

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Do I have to brush my teeth every time I eat with Invisalign?

From a crooked smile to a crowned one, Invisalign has changed lives. These clear aligners have slowly helped millions of people boost their confidence by realigning their teeth successfully. Contrary to the long and uncomfortable process of getting the traditional metal braces, Invisalign is discreet, efficient, and comfortable.

Getting the best out of Invisalign needs some dedication in terms of oral hygiene. Aligned yet decaying teeth do no good to anyone. So for your teeth to look and feel the best, you have to follow a dedicated oral hygiene routine.

Eating with Invisalign

Although the Invisalign aligner is sturdy and durable, you should take it out before eating or drinking anything since chewing might damage, crack, or distort it. Even slight damage to the Invisalign tray will hinder the proper alignment of teeth.

Eating with Invisalign can be rather messy. An additional cover on the teeth won’t help you chew any better.

Drinking with Invisalign

Invisalign aligners can get damaged due to repeated exposure to hot liquids. Such distortions can reverse the alignment progress. Also, the fluids we consume can settle inside the trays to ‘bathe’ your teeth. Bathing teeth in acidic drinks can be a problem as this can wear out the enamel.

In normal circumstances, acidic fluids do not cause any problem because the saliva kicks in to buffer and neutralize the acid. But aligners prevent the saliva from doing its job, thus accelerating the decay.

Colored drinks like wine, juices, coffee, and tea, can cause discoloration of the Invisalign trays and teeth. It is therefore recommended to remove the aligners before consuming such drinks.

How often should I brush?

Brushing is vital when it comes to oral hygiene. Doctors recommend brushing your teeth at least twice daily. To prevent tooth decay and discoloration, brushing the teeth after every meal is essential. Make sure to remove the aligners before you start eating and put them back when you are done brushing your teeth.

You can rinse your teeth clean after having a beverage. Rinse the aligner with lukewarm water or use the Invisalign cleaning kit before inserting it.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!