

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity And How To Treat It

Ever experienced toothache while munching your favorite ice cream or sipping a cup of coffee? You are in the right company. An issue faced by millions around the world! But what causes this discomfort and how can it be alleviated? In this blog, we will explore the common causes of tooth sensitivity and effective remedies to treat them so you can grab your best foods without second thoughts. If you have been looking for solutions, Devine Dental Office TX experts might just be your answer to profound dental health.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity usually happens when the outermost protective layer on teeth called enamel wears off and reveals the dentin below. However, why does this happen? These factors contribute to its occurrence.

Brushing Too Hard
It may seem odd, but brushing your teeth hard could cause more harm than usual. It erodes enamel, leading to gum recession and resulting in increased sensitivity.

Acidic Foods and Beverages
Over time, acid beverages that consist of citrus fruits, soda, or wine can erode your enamel. The process leads to that uncomfortable sharp feeling due to exposure of the dentin beneath it. The key is doing everything in moderation.

Other Factors Leading to Tooth Sensitivity
Even though brushing and diet are major contributors, there are additional causes of tooth sensitivity that you might not know.

Teeth Grinding
Do you grind your teeth, especially at night? This habit, known as bruxism, grinds down the enamel, increasing the chances of sensitive teeth. Dealing with bruxism through the use of mouthguards or stress management techniques is a successful approach.

Gum Recession
Gum recession exposes the roots, which are naturally more sensitive than the crowns of teeth. It could be due to old age, gum disease, or poor cleaning methods. Regular dental visits to a Devine Dentist TX can help discover gum recessions on time to facilitate appropriate treatments.

Effective Treatments for Tooth Sensitivity

Now that we have understood why sensitivity births, let’s highlight some effective tooth sensitivity treatments that provide relief. Who wouldn’t want to eat their favorite foods without wincing in pain? Of course, none!

Desensitizing Toothpaste
Using desensitizing toothpaste is one of the simplest and most effective ways to treat sensitivity. They have compounds that block the sensation from reaching your nerves.

Fluoride Treatment
Have you inquired with your dentist about forms of fluoride available? Enamel can be strengthened through fluoride treatment, reducing its sensitivity. Such treatments may be tried at home using a fluoride-based mouthwash and toothpaste or by expert dentists at Devine Dental Office TX.

Advanced Treatments for Persistent Sensitivity

In case simple remedies don’t work, dentists may offer more complex solutions to alleviate teeth sensitivity. Have a look here.

Dental Bonding or Sealants
If your teeth root is exposed or enamel damaged, causing you to feel sensitive, bonding or sealants are used to cover up these regions, protecting your teeth. It delivers a long-term solution in contrast to desensitizing toothpaste.

Root Canal Treatment
Severe cases of nerve impairment or decay as a result of hypersensitivity may need root canal treatment. While this may sound unpleasant, it is an efficient way to bid farewell to pain and strengthen your dental health. Looking for an open discussion with a dentist on more advanced options? Devine Dental Office TX might just be the right approach.

How to Prevent Sensitive Teeth

It is better to prevent tooth sensitivity than to treat it. Consistent dental care habits and careful lifestyle choices can help guard your enamel and lower the odds of developing sensitivity. Read onto some valuable tips to help you retain a robust enamel, cutting down on sensitivity issues.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

  • Brush twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. You must be gentle when brushing in order not to erode the enamel and cause gum recession, exposing the sensitive parts of your teeth.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your enamel. Fluoride enhances your teeth by replacing the minerals contained in your teeth, thus making your teeth more robust and more resistant to acids that cause decay and sensitivity. Have you ever thought about engaging a toothpaste meant for sensitive teeth? If not, do it today.

Watch What You Eat
Limit sour foods and drinks to safeguard your enamel health. Acids can break down the enamel, making your teeth very sensitive. Have these kinds of food and drink in moderation. Using a straw with acidic beverages can be an added precaution.

Lastly, rinse your oral cavity with water after consuming acidic foods and drinks. Rinse lightly with fresh water to neutralize acid and wash out harmful substances before they eat your enamel.

Use a Mouthguard While Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding teeth (bruxism) is another common cause of worn-out enamel, which leads to sensitivity problems. In case you grind your teeth mostly at night, you can get a customized mouth guard from a Devine Dentist TX to keep any chances that may lead to sensitivities away.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

  • Having regular appointments with a Devine Dentist TX can deal with potential problems before they escalate into serious situations. Dentists often give personalized advice, assuring early interventions and keeping teeth healthy and robust.
  • Make your teeth and gums healthy and thriving through professional cleaning and fluoride treatments. In-office treatments have more minerals and can offer better protection against sensitivity and decay compared to over-the-counter solutions.

Conclusion: Seeking Professional Help

Sensitive teeth are a real mess! The good thing is that it can be treated or even prevented with proper care and tips. If your sensitivity lingers on, ensure you see a dentist right away. At Devine Dental Office TX, professionals have the essential experience to diagnose the cause of your pain with modern equipment and tailor the treatment for your sensitivity needs. Don’t let tooth sensitivity dominate your life. Visit skilled dentists early to get professional advice on overcoming the discomfort.

It may involve changing brushing habits, overhauling diet, or opting for advanced treatments. Dental care should always come first. Remember, good dental hygiene is the way to sound overall health. If you are prompt and regular regarding your dental treatment throughout life, tooth sensitivity will be at bay forever.