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What Causes a Tingling Tongue?

Due to inflammatory allergies tingling tongue can be caused. This numb feeling in the tongue is similar to needle pricking, which can occur accidentally or due to allergies. Even certain kinds of food can cause tingling in the mouth, which also indicates sensitivity or allergy. 

Tingling in the tongue that suddenly influences your face, arm, or leg on one side could indicate a stroke. Facial droop and inconvenience in talking can likewise be signs. Any of these side effects require quick medical help. 

Tingling in the tongue can happen due to sensitivity or infection and can disappear independently. In some cases, if it continues for a couple of days or becomes highly irritating, it is crucial to seek immediate medical help. It’s essential to be aware that tingling in the tongue is a minor issue or a side effect of more serious medical problems, like diabetes, a lack of nutrients, and many more. 

This condition can cause itching in the mouth and tongue due to eating raw fruits, vegetables, or nuts with proteins found in allergy-causing pollen. A tingling tongue can be generated for many reasons, leading to severe conditions. It is essential to know if the tingling is minor or severe to health so one can take action according to the situation. 

Some Of The Common Causes Of Tingling Tongue Are: 

  • Nerve Damage

Damage to lingual nerves usually occurs during the extraction of wisdom teeth. It can cause tingling and a prickling sensation and sometimes hinder how food and drinks taste. It only influences one tongue side or can reach the lips and jaw.

  • Allergic Reactions

Some people are allergic to different kinds of food and drinks. And this can be one of the primary reasons that cause tingling in the tongue. 

  • Canker Sore

A mouth ulcer can occur on the lips, mouth, or tongue, and it can cause pain from the sensation of a tingling tongue around the affected area. 

  • Medication Reaction

Even some medicines give side effects such as tingling tongue, and either the medication doesn’t suit, or the drug is on the expiry date. 

  • Symptoms For Tingling Tongue

It is important to recognize symptoms to seek immediate medical attention to prevent any severe damage in the future. 

Sudden paralysis of one side of the face

  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Numbness in tongue
  • Needle pricking-like sensation in the mouth
  • Facial droop

Treatment For Tingling Tongue

The treatment includes proper guidance and advice from the doctor to help a speedy recovery. Some of the medicines that are used to cure tingling tongues are. 

  • Avoid Allergic Food And Drinks

If you are allergic to specific fruit, vegetable, drink, or even medicine, the first thing is to eliminate that from your diet. In such cases, it is advisable to go for a dietician or nutritionist to get the proper guidance. 

  • Consult With Your Doctor

It is always advisable to seek a doctor to avoid any serious issues that can be caused in the future. The doctor will recommend treatment that will be best for the recovery. 

  • Try Home Remedies

In case of mild allergies or slight tingling tongue, home remedies can also be recommended as they help to reduce the effect and give relief for the time being. 

  • Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene helps remove germs that can cause itching in the mouth or tongue. Oral hygiene is one factor that can help avoid tingling tongues. 

Lastly, taking proper care, from diet to medication, is essential in overcoming the tongue-tingling condition. However, it is vital to keep a check on the symptoms. This condition can occur at any point, and immediate doctor consultation can give it a speedy recovery.